Our local businesses and community members are our most important partners. The Kern Center for Workforce and Community Education provides workforce development needs for the region and offers personal enrichment courses for individuals of all ages.

What can we do for you?

Workforce development photo

Workforce Training

Our responsive programming changes to align with market needs. We can even customize training for your specific company.
Online Education

Online Training

Our large selection of online training allows you to choose courses that line up directly with your professional or educational goals.
Lifelong Learning photo

Community Education For All Ages

Life is more fulfilling when you explore new things! With our Lifelong Learning classes, you can try something new without breaking the bank.
Small Business Development Center

The Small Business Development Center

SBDC provides confidential one-on-one advising and entrepreneurial training programs to prospective and existing small business owners in Erie, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca counties.

Motorcycle Ohio

Motorcycle Ohio

Want to learn how to ride a motorcycle? The Ohio Department of Public Safety’s (ODPS) Motorcycle Ohio Rider Education Programs are available at Terra State.

Partner with us

We are more than degrees and certificates! We love partnering with other community organizations to better our region. Have an idea? Reach out and we can guide you to the right areas to help.

Contact Us


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