Terra State Board of Trustees Elects Officers

Board of Trustees getting sworn into office
 (l-r) Board Chair Kay Reiter, Sandusky County Judge Jeremiah Ray, Timothy Myers, Terra State President Dr. Ron Schumacher

Fremont, Ohio, January 23, 2019 – The Terra State Community College Board of Trustees elected officers at their January 23, 2019 meeting. Kay Reiter, Sandusky County Commissioner, was elected as Chair of the Board. Mike Waleryszak, President of Crescent Manufacturing Company, was elected as Vice Chair. John Hoty, President of Hoty Enterprises, was appointed Sergeant at Arms/Parliamentarian. Linda Reis, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of Ballreich Bros. was appointed liaison to the Terra College Foundation Board meetings and Kellie Carte Sears of Sears, LLC – Private Entrepreneur, was appointed as the alternate.

            Timothy Myers, General Manager of Century Die, who was recently appointed to the Board by Governor John Kasich, was sworn in. “I am excited to be a part of the Board,” he stated. “The College has gone through some exciting changes and I want to help take it to its next level.” Myers’ term ends December 30, 2022.