Terra State Community College to Take Over REACH Program

The Chamber Foundation of Sandusky County is happy to announce that Terra State Community College will assume the role of facilitator for the REACH Program beginning in school year 2022-2023.

The REACH program is an upper elementary school program in all Sandusky County elementary schools plus Margaretta and Old Fort schools. REACH is a yearlong program taught by local business owners in the classrooms. Once a month, the business owners visit classrooms across the county to help students learn their interests and habits to help them begin identifying possible career paths in the future.

For 19 years, REACH has been a Sandusky County United Way funded program of the Chamber Foundation.

“The Chamber Foundation Board of Directors made the decision to let Terra State facilitate the REACH program at the November board meeting. After enthusiastic conversations with Holly Hoffman, we know the program will grow to new levels at Terra State. We are excited to see what she can do with the program. We’d like to thank the schools, classroom teachers and REACH teachers for making this program a success for 19 years,” said Chamber Foundation Board President, Dave Amarante.

“As the Coordinator of the Titan Kids Club and KidsCollege, two already academically enriched courses for elementary and middle school students at Terra State, I am excited to be the mentor of the REACH program too. I am looking forward to facilitating this amazing program and providing additional resources to our students in Sandusky County,” said Coordinator of Workforce and Community Education, Holly Hoffman.

For more information on the REACH program, contact Holly Hoffman hhoffman01@terra.edu, Coordinator of Workforce Development at Terra State Community College.