Group tutoring
Attend a tutoring session with your peers. Small group tutoring sessions (1-5 students) are available upon a request.
Everyone needs a little help sometimes! Terra State students are eligible for free tutoring for classes in which they are currently enrolled. These sessions are dedicated to specific course assignments and lessons in order to help you reach and exceed your academic goals.
Attend a tutoring session with your peers. Small group tutoring sessions (1-5 students) are available upon a request.
After attempting group tutoring at the Academic Service Center Learning Lab you can request one-on-one sessions with a tutor.
These sessions are more general in nature than the tutoring sessions listed above. The tutoring labs are walk-in and require no prior approval from an instructor.
Request tutoring by submitting an email to tutoring@terra.edu. Please include your name, subject area and your current phone number.
Yes! Learn more by stopping by the Academic Service Center.