Transfer and Articulation Agreements
Terra State currently holds articulation agreements with a variety of four-year institutions. This means the credits you take here that are part of the agreement transfer seamlessly to the other institution.
Why are articulation agreements important?
These legal agreements guarantee that the classes you take at Terra State will transfer to the other institution for the agreed upon course at the partner institution. By taking advantage of these agreements, you can save thousands of dollars and reduce duplicate courses.
What agreements does Terra State currently have?
We currently have over 35 agreements with four-year institutions. See the list below for the schools and the original scanned agreements.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Who can I talk with for help with articulation agreements?
Our Academic Service Center is happy to help you. We have representatives from various institutions on campus each month and can help you find the right person to speak with. Just stop by our office in the General Technologies Building, B105 or give us a call at 419.559.2139.